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Hi, I’m Dr. Shouptik Basu Photography. I invite you to explore my work and to learn more about the photographer behind the lens. As a born go-getter, I give 100% to every new project I take on. It’s my firm belief that a good challenge pushes you to grow and develop, which is why I make a point of seeking out new ones in both my professional and personal lives. Take a moment and look around and contact me directly to learn more.

The Shard.jpg

"I don't come taking millions of pictures.I spend time with them and simply observe.If you wait long enough those amazing images will come."

Ami Vitale



My Story

Incorporating both my interests in technology and art, photography was a field I was instantly attracted to. Choosing a passion in photography was the easiest choice I ever made and I’ve never looked back. I may not have the best photographic equipment but I always have been inspired by the fact that a great image is framed in the mind of the person. If you’d like to learn more about me and my work don’t hesitate to get in touch.


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